Do Well By Doing Good

This time of year is a complete rush, filled with holiday shopping, never-ending parties and an on-going parade of cookies and cakes. But this is also a season where we proclaim “peace on earth and good will toward men.” This is a season filled with charity and goodness, a season where neighbors work extra hard to look out for each and where communities come together to take care of the most vulnerable.
Our parent company, Premium Service Brands (PSB), believes that in order to do well, one should also do good. Just as every one of our businesses are locally owned and operated, PSB is committed to the community where we are headquartered.
Throughout the year, we have committed to supporting a nearby elementary school. At-risk kids will get free or reduced meals when they’re at school but what happens when they go home over the weekends? We’ve stepped in to fill that gap, especially because we know how hard it is to study on an empty stomach!
Every week, we grocery shop for the kids enrolled in our “Kids Lift” weekend meals program. Then on Friday mornings, the staff works together to pack backpacks with a weekends’ worth of food. Every meal (plus snacks!) are provided for with special attention to what kind of food the kids are eating. All the meals are easy-to-make and with high nutritional values.
What the kids get are weekends at home without the anxiety of wondering what they’re going to eat. For one of the wealthiest countries in the world, there are more than 13 million children that suffer from food-insecurity – this means that they don’t know where their next meal is going to come from and they often go hungry.
Children are particularly vulnerable because of their dependence. Premium Service Brands cares about our community which is why we’ve made a promise to the elementary school 10 minutes from our office – we will share goodness with our community.
In this season of giving, we’re proud to be part of our community. This ethos sets the tone for the whole Premium Service Brands family. Because when everyone succeeds, we succeed.